Forms and Procedures

Forms and Procedures

(3)Build and Approval Process – New Online Course

Are you ready to build an online course alongside an Online Learning Experience Designer? It is easy to get started and our team will walk you through the entire course build process!  

Step 1: Acquire Approvals for Course Build

You must first request permission from your (1) department head, (2) department dean, (3) graduate or undergraduate dean, and if applicable the (4) program lead for all new online course builds or to make a change to a course format (e.g., existing residential course will be developed as online).  Note:  All approvals must be submitted in your course build application in Step 4.  Email approvals will be accepted and can be copied and pasted in the Course Build Application.

Step 2:  Submit a New Online Course or Format Change to CIM

Once you have received approvals in Step 1, please contact your departmental representative on the university undergraduate or graduate curriculum committee to submit a new online course proposal or course delivery change in the CourseLeaf (CIM), Mines curriculum management software. 

If Step 2 is complete, move on to Steps 3 and 4

Step 3: Complete the Foundations of Course Design (FoCD)

During the Foundations of Course Design self-study, you will focus on articulating your course vision and purpose, developing course learning outcomes, planning summative assessments, and outlining experiences to support student learning. The end product is the development of a Course Guide (see step 4). FoCD is developed in collaboration between the Trefny Center and Mines Online teams.  FoCD [or equivalent EFOL] must be completed BEFORE starting your course build with Mines Online.

Step 4: Submit your Online Course Application to Mines Online

Our team wants to provide you with the best support possible! To do so, we must collect all the details regarding your online course. Please complete the Graduate or Undergraduate online course application.

Step 5: Submit your Course Guide to Mines Online*

Before you work with an Online Learning Experience Designer (OLED) in your collaborative online course build, you need to clearly define the vision and focus of your course through the creation of an Online Course Guide (a simplified course map). This Online Course Guide will support you with framing the vision for your course. Once you submit your course guide and it is approved by the Mines Online team, your course will be assigned to an OLED to begin the collaborative build.


*It is recommended to submit the Online Course Guide AFTER completing FoCD, in Step 3

Build and Approval Process – New Online Program

Mines Online staff understand the demand of building and sustaining new online programs. We can support you with building your 3-5 year business plan that begins with an intital market analysis, resource identification, faculty/staffing needs, program outcomes, and enrollment plan. Please contact Dr. Sam Spiegel at to get started!


Mines online flowcharts – process summary

Providing rigorous and high-quality learning opportunities and programs focused on STEM fields around Earth, Energy & Environment is at the heart of Mines mission – regardless of modality. Online teaching and learning is now an integral part of higher education and an area that Mines is growing to support students who need to or prefer to learn online. The Mines online experience is much the same as you would find in the classroom— engaging, cutting-edge courses focused on solving some of the world’s most pressing engineering challenges. Our team is ready to support you with creating that experience! 

Dr. Sam Spiegel outlined the detailed process for online building and teaching. You can find these details in the Mines Online flowcharts. The Mines Online flowcharts provide an overview and process flow for proposing, creating, and teaching online programs and courses. The intent is to layout the processes so that the flow and steps are more clearly articulated and to help guide you through the process. This document will also provides transparency around funding for development and teaching. To request access to the flowcharts, please contact Dr. Sam Spiegel at

The previous instructions cover the (1) initial approval process and (2) required faculty trainings to get started collaborating with Mines Online. However, after these first two milestones, three more milestones carry through the life-cycle of a course. The remaining phases are:   (3) course development, (4) standards review & revisions, and finally (5) the course being opened & taught. Please see the image on the right for more details.

Approval and development overview includes 5 stages for the initial approval process, faculty trianing & course guide, course development, standards review & revisions, and finally the course being opened and taught.

Click thumbnail to view

About our mines online course Standards review

The Mines Online Program Course Standards were developed by a faculty committee in collaboration with the Trefny Center/Mines Online to assure that all online courses represent the rigor and quality of instruction at Mines, utilize best practices in online learning to promote student success, and meet existing regulatory and accreditation requirements. For an online course to be offered, it must first go through a review process to ensure that all course elements meet or exceed the Mines Online Program Course Standards. This rubric is the tool to assess the online courses. View the Faculty Standards Course Review Form.


about our memberships

WCET is the leader in the practice, policy, & advocacy of digital learning in higher education. We are a member-driven organization that brings together colleges, universities, higher education organizations, and companies to collectively improve the quality and reach of digital learning programs. Learn More about WCET here.

SANS The leader for guidance and support for navigating state and federal regulatory compliance for out-of-state activities of postsecondary institutions. Learn More about SANS here.

Higher Learning Commission (HLC) The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an independent corporation that was founded in 1895 as one of six regional accreditors in the United States. HLC accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in the United States. HLC is as an institutional accreditor, accrediting the institution as a whole. Learn More about HLC here.